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    If you have the time, just clean these at the same time you're cleaning the windows for FREE and let your client know lebron 9. This will only add 10 minutes onto your time, but your client will really appreciate it.

    Why should you do it for free and not charge them Referrals referrals referrals lebron 9. This again, is your choice.

    You can charge them if you like, but what you're trying to do is build a solid business based on your existing clients referring you lebron 9.9. Clean and polish outside letter boxes for FREE.

    You've those external post boxes on a house (basically so the dog doesn't chew letters and papers) lebron 9. Same principle.

    This will take you seconds and your client will appreciate it. People love getting things for FREE that they didn't ask for. If you're regular and offer a good service you'll have these clients for years.10.

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